
Hello! I’m a 3rd year at Columbia University studying computer science and mathematics. My academic interests include math, machine learning research, and quizbowl software. I also like playing chess, watching football or basketball, working out, and listening to music.

Quantitative Finance

I am an incoming quantitative trading intern at Jane Street. This past summer, I worked as a quantitative trading intern at SIG in Bala Cynwyd, PA.


My current research focus is applying machine learning to the sciences. Previously, I was part of an ongoing research project at Columbia University, studying how we can use machine learning for preeclampsia detection from retinal images. The work was published and presented at the 2023 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) here.

Previously, I worked as an intern at Oak Ridge National Lab, using autoencoders to compress neutron spectroscopy data for direct prediction. I presented my results in a poster that you can view here. My work resulted in a publication into the Machine Learning: Science and Technology journal.

See my publications here.


I’m interested in web development, statistical analysis, and user interface/user experience design. Check out my projects on my Github. I use the following tools:

Languages: Python · Java · C/C++ · HTML/CSS · Javascript · Wolfram Language · LaTeX

Frameworks: ExpressJS · ReactJS · Bootstrap · Pug · Tensorflow/Keras · PyTorch

Tools/Services: VSCode · MongoDB · Heroku · Git/Github · fish shell


I currently serve as vice president of the e-board of Columbia University’s Quizbowl Club. I’m the creator of qbreader.org, including geoword and Quizbowl Packet Parser.

Learn more about my participation in quizbowl.

Science Bowl

I was the webmaster, organizer, and question writer for the National Science Bowl League. I formerly taught Science Bowl classes through Summit Scibowl, which I cofounded and managed the website for. I created a popular Science Bowl program to calculate aggregate team and category stats.

I wrote for / helped run the following competitions:

Zygmunt Bauman

Source: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Zygmunt-Bauman#ref1272416 Polish-born sociologist Professor at the University of Leeds until he retired in 1990 Liquid Modernity Sources: https://routledgesoc.com/category/profile-tags/liquid-modernity Examined the effects of: Consumption-based economies Disappearance of social institutions Rise of globalization Felt that the term “postmodern” was problematic Started using the term liquid modernity to better describe the condition of constant mobility and change he sees in relationships, identities, and global economics within contemporary society Writes of a transition from solid modernity to a more liquid form of social life Cloakroom Community Source: https://viewfromthebasement.

Harold Innis

Canadian communication theorist and economist, the “father of Canadian Economic History” Canadian Pacific Railway Wrote his PhD thesis on the history of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) Insists that the project was sustained by fears of American annexation Staples Thesis Known for the staple thesis of Canadian economic development Held that the development of Canada was due to the export of staples, such as fur, fish, wood, wheat, and fossil fuels Used “dirt” experience / “dirt” research by padding a canoe to explore the wilderness, gaining knowledge to form a basis for his thesis Developed the thesis in two books: The History of the Fur Trade in Canada (1930) Held that Canada grew because, not in spite of, its geography Argued for the importance of First Nation peoples The Cod Fisheries: The History of an International Economy (1940) Communication Theories Source: https://www.

Graphviz for FSM

Quick Guide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 digraph finite_state_machine { rankdir=LR; size="8,5" node [shape = circle ]; q0, q1, q2 node [shape = doublecircle]; q3 node [shape = point ]; qi qi -> q0; q0 -> q0 [ label = "0, 1" ]; q0 -> q1 [ label = "1" ]; q1:n -> q2 [ label = "0" ]; q1:s -> q2 [ label = "ε" ]; q2 -> q3 [ label = "1" ]; q3 -> q3 [ label = "0, 1" ]; } Command:

How to Configure SSH Keys

Overview SSH keys allow you to login to a remote computer without using your password. This guide is the culmination of frustrations of a lack of a guide (that I could find) that has all the information I need in one place. Here are some good resources: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-ssh-key-based-authentication-on-a-linux-server https://www.ssh.com/academy/ssh/config Generating SSH Keys We will use ssh-keygen to generate the keys. Open the terminal and type the following: 1 2 $ cd ~/.

Clifford Geertz

American cultural anthropologist at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (1926-2006) Agricultural Involution Involution: Centuries of intensifying wet-rice cultivation in Indonesia produced greater social complexity without significant technological or political change Outside pressure from the Dutch led to labor intensification, increasing rice per area but not rice per person Geertz credits the term to Alexander Goldenweiser Two dominant forms of agriculture in Indonesia: Swidden: slash and burn Found in less central regions Sawah: irrigated rice paddies Found in Java and Bali Part of the Modjokuto Project, a CIA funded program for CENIS at MIT The Interpretation of Cultures Original text: https://is.

Frantz Fanon

Psychoanalyst and social philosopher from Martinique (1925-1961) Wrote influential works: Black Skin, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth Black Skin, White Masks (1952) Original text (translation): https://monoskop.org/images/a/a5/Fanon_Frantz_Black_Skin_White_Masks_1986.pdf Excellent summary: https://www.litcharts.com/lit/black-skin-white-masks/summary In order to understand racism, we must ask what “man” wants and what “the black man” wants Seeks to understand the relationship between white and black people Argues that both groups are trapped within their own racial identities Argues that psychoanalysis is a useful tool for understanding the black experience Through analysis, it is possible to “destroy” the enormous psychological complex that has developed as a result of colonialism Concludes with an appeal to open-mindeness, and he will always be “a man who questions” Chapter 1: The Black Man and Language Describes experience of black Antilleans and become “whiter” via assimilation They return to homeland and are treated as superior, encouraging them to act haughtily Black people try to “prove” intelligence to whites but intelligence alone “never saved anybody” White people speaking to black people in pidgin is a subtle way to remind them of the colonial order White people fear educated black people, such as those that read Karl Marx Notes that some say Aime Cesaire has more skillful command of French than any white Frenchman Cesaire was the founder of the Negritude movement If true, shouldn’t be surprising, since people of French colonies are just as “French” as white Frenchmen Chapter 2: The Woman of Color and the White Man Examines Mayotte Capecia’s autobiography I Am a Martinician Woman About a black women obsesseds with marrying a white man Mayotte was taught to believe they can “save” their race by making themselves whiter Disapproves of it because it advocates for “unhealthy behavior” Looks at Abdoulaye Sadji’s novel Nini Biracial Sengalese woman rejects black man’s advances b/c she wants to marry a white person Argues that Nini shows how black women internalize racist ideas Chapter 3: The Man of Color and the White Woman Examines Rene Maran’s autobiography A Man Like Any Other About a black Antillean named Jean Veneuse who lives in Bordeaux, France Jean is in love with a white woman, and his white friends approve if he renounces his blackness Fanon argues black men want to “dominate a European woman” Argues that Jean suffers from abandonment neurosis, as described by Germaine Guex Chapter 4: The So-Called Dependency Complex of the Colonized Analyzes Octave Mannoni’s The Psychology of Colonization, which analyzes the psychological relationship between colonizer and colonized Fanon rejects Mannoni’s claim that inferority complex of colonized people originates from childhood–instead originates from colonization Examines how different ethnicities/nationalities/religions are encouraged to feel superior to each other Rejects idea that best sides of European culture are not responsible for colonialism-instead, all of Europe is implicit in colonial violence Rejects claim that Malagasy people didn’t have sense of identity prior to colonization-colonization destroyed their sense of identity Chapter 5: The Fact of Blackness Fanon describes sitting on a train and hearing a white child exclaim: “Look!